
Texla Dental Hospital

Oral Health care in Pregnancy-Enriching your Knowledge!

Dr. Dilmohit Singh
Pediatric Dentist and Implantologist
BDS (Bangalore), MDS (Pune)

Pregnancy is very critical phase in every women life, not only for her but also for developing baby. Not only woman is undergoing through emotional changes in this period but also various hormonal changes. Each of these changes have the impact on health related issues in mother as well as child.

Few tips during pregnancy:

Drugs to Avoid in Pregnancy :

There are many drugs that may have carcinogenic effects on the developing babies such as ACE Inhibitors, high doses of vitamin A, Lithium, isotretinoin, alcohol. These drugs should be avoided.

There are some anti-epileptic drugs such as Phenytoin and Valproic acid that can cause abnormalities in heart and developmental defects in lip and palate such as clefts.

Similarly anti-anxiety drugs such as Diazepam may also cause cleft lip and palate.

Certain antibiotics such as Tetracyclines and doxycycline can cause yellowish to greyish discolouration in milk teeth as well as permanent teeth in children.

Hormonal Changes :

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, there is increase in estrogen and progesterone hormones. Due to which blood flow in the gums is increased and there is swelling in the gums and many a times swelling is accompanied by pain and is known as pregnancy gingivitis or pyogenic granuloma.

Ladies in this phase are advised to maintain very good oral hygiene. Brush their teeth twice, floss and use various mouthwashes recommended by your dentists.

Oral care is often neglected during pregnancy so there are chances of decay of teeth, bad breath, gingival swelling or ulcerations, abcess etc. All these conditions can be taken care of by maintaining good oral hygiene and oral prophylaxis(Scaling by the dentists) if required.

Ideal time for Dental treatment:

Most of the dental treatment can be safely carried out during 2nd trimester of pregnancy. During first trimester treatment is usually postponed because the organs of foetus are being developed. During third trimester also it is recommended to avoid stressful dental treatment due to the chances of premature labour.

In short few points to remember

1. Any pregnant lady should consult the physician as well as her dentist before consuming any medication.

2. Any pregnant lady should always maintain her oral hygiene thoroughly with toothbrush and mouthwashes.

3. Pregnant ladies should visit doctors to get teeth cleaned professionally if requires.

4. Safe time to undergo any trimester is 2nd trimester.

5. Xrays should be strictly avoided during first trimester. If at all it is required during the course of pregnancy it should be done by wearing lead aprons and thyroid collars.

For more details you can contact Doctors at Texla Dental Hospital


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